Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The impact of scraping of the retirement age on the management of HR Essay - 1

The impact of scraping of the retirement age on the management of HR in Organisations - Essay Example (Age UK, 2010). The decision on this ground shows growing need of service from the Britons to carry on working, only if they are fit and healthy and continue their work. This move of the government was welcomed by personnel groups but the business leaders notified in a form of warning that this measure might leave the employers blank with regards to their planning for future. This is because they would not know about the exact timing of retirement of their employees so that they can prepare the succession plan (Beckford & Peacock, 2010). The following literature review has been prepared to provide empirical evidence of the impact of such policy of the government to scrap the age of retirement. The evidence of this literature review has been collected from different articles and journals basically through secondary sources. According to Cadler (2010), scrapping or removal of the DRA will be one among the biggest alterations to employment law when it would come into being in the year of 2011. The author says that this reform will leave a number of unresolved problems for the employers. This is because the rules regarding this policy will be very unclear to all the employees along with the employers. At the same time, it will be unclear to all the stakeholders of the organisation (Cadler, 2010). Skirbekk (2004) stated that recognizing the profiles of age-productivity, is a significant factor of the economic world at present. The government recognised this factor and thus the issue gained importance. Government focuses on the demographic and economic factors of the country that are changing. Life expectancy is an important demographic indicator of the affect on economic growth of a country. This indicator influences the age structure of an economy. The government took the decision to scrap the retirement age because it is believed that individual productivity rises to its peak level at later stages of working life.

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