Friday, December 20, 2019

Women During The American Society Essay - 1309 Words

In society there are different gender roles. These gender roles could determine how someone should act or think. Even though people have become accustomed to their specific role in life, others argue that a person can assume any role they would like to. Women in the American society argue that they could do anything that a man can do. However, some people think that there are certain aspects that make a woman a woman or a man a man. Women in combat is a controversial topic in the United States. Many people think that women should not be in combat because they can not perform the way a man could. In most cultures the men tend to be strong and fight, while the women are more nurturing or mothering (Conley, 284). The reason that men and women have different characteristics is because they are biologically different (Conley, 284). People have an assumed gender before they are even born and develop more of an identity as they go through life (Conley, 284). We want people to assume a certain gender so that they are considered normal. People do not necessarily like change or things that they do not understand, so they like to stick with the normal. However, women in America tried to change the ways of gender roles. In the 1950’s, the ideal family was a nuclear family. A nuclear family consists of a working father and a domestic mother (Conley, 289). Women were expected to stay home with the children, cook, and clean. Women were supposed to maintain a specific role in society toShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Women During The American Society2107 Words   |  9 PagesPaper The role of women in the American society Throughout this paper I will be discussing the role of women in the American society. I will reference the importance of gender and gender inequality. The definition of gender aims to clarify for of all the historical framework of the topic, the role of women in the American society. 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