Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Exchange Rate of Kenya

Question: Examine about the misalignment of the Exchange Rate of Kenya. Answer: Presentation As of late, a comprehension of the genuine swapping scale (RER) is significant in light of the fact that it assists with understanding the explanation behind lopsided advancement in the economy of the nation. It very well may be seen that because of delayed misalignment of swapping scale in Latin America and Africa the development rate have been moderate. Then again, in Asia because of prudent macroeconomics, swapping scale and exchange it has had the option to look after development. Zone of study The misalignment in the steady trade rates and customizable frameworks shows that the approaches are in a general sense poor. This poor strategy forestalls the conversion standard crucial modifications however the essential of the economy has changed. If there should be an occurrence of drifting conversion scale the principle purpose behind the misalignments are the hypotheses that moves the swapping scale more than in contrasted with change in the monetary essentials (Alagidede Ibrahim, 2016). The development of the economy is affected by the Real Exchange rate through various ways. The swapping scale impacts the remote and local venture. This impacts the capital aggregation of the economy subsequently affecting the general monetary development. The region of the examination in the exploration is to survey the effect of money misalignment in financial development of Kenya. Foundation of the investigation In the time of 1966-1992 during the time of fixed conversion scale system the creating nation like Kenya needs to much of the time downgrade the money with the goal that the negative impact that RER instability has on the economy could be decreased. In 1993, the presentation of coasting swapping scale was a significant advance to wipe out the RER unpredictability. In any case, there is no proof to propose that the progression of conversion scale markets have accomplished its goals (Ali, 2015). In the creating nations like Kenya, the arrangement choices for trade rates are extremely delicate and dubious. The adjustment in swapping scale strategy requires auxiliary change and residential modification. The adjustment in strategy has transient impact on cost and request and this is viewed as harming the economy (Karanja, 2016). The job of the RER on the development of the exchange balance is greatly discussed. In any case, the financial experts doesn't powerfully answers whether a nation ought to permits its monetary standards to be gliding. In the creating nations, the choice with respect to the remote trade strategy is viewed as one of the most significant approach choice that influences the financial development. Explanation of the issue The conversion scale is alluded to as the key macroeconomic variable. It assumes a significant job in the exchange between the open economies. The connection between the hypothetical idea and the experimental use of the trade isn't straight forward and basic. There are two hypothetical perspectives about the impact of the conversion scale variances on the yield. The primary view is that in the event that the swapping scale of the local cash acknowledges, at that point the expense of import will lessen thus the yield will expand (Cheung Fujii, 2014). The subsequent view is that conversion scale thankfulness diminishes the value seriousness of the residential items globally. This as a result diminishes the amassed request of the item subsequently the yield is decreased. This two clashing perspectives makes an experimental issues. In this manner, an experimental test for developing economies like Kenya is vital. Numerous literary works feature the impact of conversion scale variance on the development of the economy. Be that as it may, contemplates that explicitly centers around the economy of Kenya and the effect that the swapping scale variance have on the monetary development of Kenya is uncommon (Nyamweya Ali, 2016). Target of the investigation The principle goal of the exploration is to consider the misalignment of the conversion scale of Kenya and the impact it has on the monetary development of Kenya. The particular goal of the examination are recorded beneath: To audit the conversion scale strategies and the full scale financial execution of the economy; The assessment of the impact that the REM has on the monetary development of Kenya; To give suggested strategies dependent on the examination; Therefor it tends to be seen that this examination has an a lot more extensive targets. This examination will assist the policymakers with developing proper approaches so the circumstance of monetary development can be improved. Theory For this situation, the examination plans to demonstrate the Hypothesis that the conversion standard misalignment influences the monetary presentation of Kenya that is measures as far as Gross local item. The invalid speculation in this examination is that the monetary presentation of Kenya isn't influenced by the change in the conversion scale. Writing audit Kenya is a creating nation in Africa. The genuine total national output of Kenya has been $55.1 billion of every 2013, $61.4 in 2015 and $63.4 billion out of 2016. It very well may be seen that the economy is continually and consistently developing. The economy of the nation is basically subject to the agribusiness and the travel industry part. The nation has confronted different dry spell post money related emergency yet since the year 2012, the economy of Kenya has made colossal recuperation (Agbeja, 2016). So as to break down the effect of conversion standard on GDP the three hypothetical models have been applied. The principal model is the assimilation approach and fiscal methodology that centers around the macroeconomics connections, personalities and not the microeconomic relationship as gave in the methodology of versatility. In this methodology it is inferred that in the event that the household development surpasses the local retention, at that point just can exchange account improve. In this way it very well may be seen that degrading expands the exchange balance (Iyke Odhiambo, 2015). The subsequent methodology is the money related methodology and it sees equalization of installment as a financial marvel. For this situation, it tends to be seen that the depreciation in cash causes improvement in a critical position of installment by expanding the household cost and diminishing the gracefully of genuine cash. The third methodology is the versatility approach. In this methodology, it very well may be seen that the flexibility is mostly founded on the variation of Bickerdike Robinson Metzler (BRM) condition and the streamlined conditions gave in disentangled Marshall-Lerner (ML). The BRM gives the fundamental conditions identified with request of import, size of import, request of fare and gracefully flexibility of fare that improves the equalization of exchange of the nation. The degrading of money impacts the overall cost of fare and import. This will helping advancing development and lessen the volume of imports (Eregha et al., 2016). Hypothetical structure The neoclassical development hypothesis is the premise on which the demonstrating of the exploration is directed. In this model the factors that are utilized speaks to the auxiliary arrangement that are set up. It is given that the so as to keep up the value solidness the pace of expansion is remembered for the development model (Pundo, M., Ganesh, 2014). Exploration structure, strategy and method In this area, the exploration procedure that is acted in this paper is examined. The examination configuration is a definite arrangement that shows the strategy that will be utilized for dissecting and gathering information. The examination configuration are in accordance with the exploration question and target of the investigation. The example is chosen for the investigation from characterized populace. The information assortment ought to be done from dependable source and investigation ought to be done of that information (Gouidar Nouira, 2014). End The above conversation gives the subtleties idea identified with swapping scale and its impact on the economy of Kenya. It very well may be said that the above paper has given adequate data to giving the idea to additionally investigate. References Agbeja, O., Adelakun, O. J., Udi, E. E. (2016). Observational Analysis of Counterparty Risk and Exchange Rate Risk Management on the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (2009-2013).Journal of Accounting and Finance,16(2), 106. Alagidede, P., Ibrahim, M. (2016). On the circumstances and end results of conversion standard unpredictability on monetary development: proof from Ghana.Journal of African Business, 1-25. Ali, A. S. (2015). Impacts of Foreign Exchange Rate on Foreign Trade In Financial Performance of the Agricultural Sector in Kenya: A Case Study of Vipingo Sisal Estate.International Journal of Finance and Accounting 4 (6) 1,19. Cheung, Y. W., Fujii, E. (2014). Conversion scale Misalignment EstimatesSources Of Differences.International Journal of Finance Economics,19(2), 91-121. Eregha, P., Ndoricimpa, An., Olakojo, S., Nchake, M., Nyang'oro, O., Togba, E. (2016). Nigeria: Should the Government Float or Devalue the Naira?.African Development Review,28(3), 247-263. Gouidar, A., Nouira, R. (2014). The Impact of Misalignment on FDI in the Developing Countries.International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,4(4), 784. Iyke, B. N., Odhiambo, N. M. (2015). Genuine EXCHANGE MISALIGNMENTS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: PANEL DATA EVIDENCE. Karanja, A. W. (2016).Strategies to improve execution received by social endeavors in Kenya(Doctoral exposition, University of Nairobi). Nyamweya, L. N., Ali, I. (2016). Determinants of Hedging Foreign Currency Risk in Kenya: A Survey of Tea Exporting Companies in Mombasa County.Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research,2(6). Pundo, M., Ganesh, P. P. (2014). The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Misalignment on Economic Growth; Kenyan Evidence.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Appology Letter

Dear sergeant five star Franco, might want to communicate my significant second thoughts for misleading you about the age of my better half and apologize for my activities. It was unseemly, discourteous and come up short on the polished skill that you and the remainder of my administration anticipate from me. Knew was lying yet didn't consider who was lying as well on the off chance that I contemplated the way that I was misleading my company sergeant or any NCO so far as that is concerned I wouldn't have done it.I acknowledge since I should be progressively ireful about what I am stating and who IM saying it excessively so as to keep this from happening once more. My manner of thinking at the time was that when everybody discovered that I would get hitched they were going to attempt to work me out of it and disclose to me that was committing an idiotic error, I likewise realized that when they discovered her real age they would have a remark about that also. As simply attempting to stay away from discussions about how was maturing a mix-up and that she is unreasonably youthful for me when I had decided. I knew the means I needed to take so as to lawfully wed her and wanted to scold her genuine age after we were hitched in light of the fact that I didn't consider the way that I was misleading a NCO and didn't think I was doing anything incorrectly.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon is Good Richard Nixon is viewed as one of the most exceedingly terrible leaders within recent memory and for generally excellent reasons. He lied after swearing to tell the truth about information on the Watergate outrage, he wrongfully attacked Cambodia and damaged universal law, and he introduced wiretaps. Every one of these activities made him leave the Presidential office. What we don't think about, is all the acceptable he did. Nixon did a great deal for our country.From remote undertakings o nature, he achieved much during his time as president. As a matter of first importance, perhaps the best achievement was the dâ ©tente with the Republic of China. He was the main president to visit the nation, and he opened exchange with China and bettered the economy by making China its greatest exchange accomplice. He came to concurrences with both China and the Soviet Union where the utilization of atomic weapons would quit being utilized. Nixon achieved much with our coun try's environment.He passed numerous demonstrations hich incorporated the National Environmental Policy of 1969, The Environmental Protection Agency of 1970, The Clean Air Act Extension of 1970, Marine Mammal Protection of 1972, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. We can express gratitude toward him for making our condition a superior spot. Other than improving our condition, President Nixon likewise practiced a lot under Civil Rights. It is a direct result of Nixon that ladies have equivalent compensation and business openings today.Nixon additionally progressed in the direction of bigotry towards African Americans and helped stop the isolation towards them in the educational systems. Despite the fact that President Nixon had a ton of flaws and committed a great deal of errors, he couldVe took care of things significantly better. So why take a gander at just his issues? He did a great deal for our nation and doesn't merit all the question th at individuals feel towards him. History appears to be just to recollect the flaws of individuals, yet in the end, he was really a great president Richard Nixon Richard Nixon is Good Richard Nixon is viewed as one of the most exceedingly terrible leaders within recent memory and for generally excellent reasons. He lied after swearing to tell the truth about information on the Watergate outrage, he unlawfully attacked Cambodia and abused worldwide law, and he introduced wiretaps. Every one of these activities made him leave the Presidential office. What we don't think about, is all the acceptable he did. Nixon did a great deal for our country.From remote issues o nature, he achieved much during his time as president. As a matter of first importance, probably the best achievement was the dâ ©tente with the Republic of China. He was the main president to visit the nation, and he opened exchange with China and bettered the economy by making China its greatest exchange accomplice. He came to concurrences with both China and the Soviet Union where the utilization of atomic weapons would quit being utilized. Nixon achieved much with our country's environment.He passed numerous demonstrations hich incorporated the National Environmental Policy of 1969, The Environmental Protection Agency of 1970, The Clean Air Act Extension of 1970, Marine Mammal Protection of 1972, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. We can express gratitude toward him for making our condition a superior spot. Other than improving our condition, President Nixon additionally practiced a lot under Civil Rights. It is a direct result of Nixon that ladies have equivalent compensation and business openings today.Nixon additionally progressed in the direction of prejudice towards African Americans and helped stop the isolation towards them in the educational systems. Despite the fact that President Nixon had a great deal of deficiencies and committed a ton of errors, he couldVe took care of things significantly better. So why take a gander at just his issues? He did a great deal for our nation and doesn't merit all the ques tion that individuals feel towards him. History appears to be just to recall the issues of individuals, however in the end, he was really a great president Richard Nixon On August eighth 1974 Richard Nixon turned into the primary American president ever to leave office. His last activity was the inevitable result of over two years of political discussion, of open presentations of discontent towards the media, and at last of clear endeavors to limit and conceal an embarrassment that, at long last, end up being lethal for the result of his presidential order. He would later review, â€Å"This was the nightmarish finish of a long dream† (Associated Press, 1999). His last location to the country as a standing president must be seen through this viewpoint and through the perspective of the authentic conditions of the time.The in general impression of the specific motivation behind the discourse is as yet far from being obviously true, a portion of his faultfinders blaming him for not giving an acquiescence discourse, but instead an influential one. In spite of these distinctions in thoughts, one can arrive at a shared opinion and the end that Nixon , while delivering his last official discourse, likewise attempted to spare an elevating picture for family, later on certainly underlining the significance the judgment of history had for him: â€Å"The jury has just come in, and nothing's going to transform it. There's no intrigue. Students of history will pass judgment on it harshly.†(Stacks, 1994).In request to completely get a handle on the mind boggling message behind the discourse conveyed by Nixon, certain components are fundamental for building a legitimate picture of the chronicled foundation of the time. Cristina Schaffner, in refering to Christoph Sauer, calls attention to the need for investigating the more extensive setting of the political talk so as to comprehend and catch its general meaning.She thinks about that â€Å"the examination of political addresses specifically and political talks when all is said in done ought to relate etymological structures to bigger settings of informative settings and politica l capacities. Any open discourse is a piece of a bigger, progressively broad informative procedure and it is described as a key move in an all-encompassing informative arrangement. It can accordingly be evaluated appropriately just if the bigger setting is taken into account†( Schaffner, 1993, 203).Richard Nixon was the 37th chosen leader of the US and had the tough undertaking of driving his country through the absolute most difficult occasions of its history. Henry Kissinger, his Secretary of State would later on recognize the way that â€Å"Nixon was the principal president, after Theodore Roosevelt, to lead his country’s international strategy to a great extent for the sake of the national interest†(Kissinger, 1995, 636). He concedes, as do various different specialists in outside approach, that â€Å"the Nixon Administration was given the errand of pulling back the American soldiers from its first experience of a lost war, and from the main outer duty where in the American good feelings slammed into what was conceivable to achieve†(Kissinger,1995, 586).Therefore, the Vietnam War was the significant issue of Nixon’s administration. Another basic issue was that of the US-USSR relations that were in a tight point toward the start of his term in office in 1969. Personally associated was the circumstance with China which end up being fragile and sought after of a discretionary goals. Stacks brings up these components: â€Å"By sheer perseverance, he was the most significant figure of the after war era.Nixon put the nation through a portion of its most exceedingly terrible occasions, driving the red-alarm governmental issues of the 1950s, heightening the war in Vietnam so as to end it, attempting with all his tremendous vitality and trickiness to vanquish the lawful procedures that surrounded him during the Watergate scandal†(Stacks, 1994). In this manner, it not the direct of the international strategy that brought his a bdication, yet rather his nonstop clashes with the Congress, that is the debate between the Executive and the Legislative. Every one of these parts of the political the truth are managed, some more than others, in his last speech.Depending on his inspiration, Nixon focused on more than one crowd in his discourse. Smith contends that â€Å"understanding the American crowd as far as the issues it holds dear, the positions it takes on those issues and the manner in which it estimates character is vital to making talks that reverberate with the public.â Furthermore, because of the cutting edge media, the president frequently addresses more than one crowd at a time† (Smith, 2006).It was relied upon of him to begin with the most squeezing advancement of interior governmental issues, which was the Watergate outrage. His political vocation had been recolored by the chance of being blamed for blocking equity techniques and maltreatment of intensity, yet his contemplations on the iss ue were fairly hesitant and until the last end, set for disavowal of all proof appeared to him in this regard (Impeachment, 2006). It was simply after the obvious evidence of taped discussions exhibiting his suggestion in the outrage that he implicitly conceded his blame and followed up on his acquiescence (Legacy: Richard M. Nixon, 37th president, 2006).Stacks even remarks on the thought, pointing out the way that â€Å"no other President in American history had been uncovered to be so critically, so childishly violating the law to protect his own capacity. Different Presidents may have gone about as dishonorably, however none was gotten so nakedly† (Stacks, 1994). Nixon’s referencing of the embarrassment in the discourse was very lapidary, the term â€Å"Watergate† just being utilized twice all through the content. It is hence obvious to state that he endeavored to underplay its significance and to change the focal point of the consideration towards different parts of his political actions.Within this line of argumentation, Nixon attempted to speak to the overall population. He utilized individual references, by referencing that â€Å"my family consistently asked me to do as such (to bring through to the completion whatever the individual anguish it would have involved)†( Scholing, 2003) organizing his location on the need to connect with the American individuals and therefore offer them a specific avocation of his activities, which he even worries were conveyed as â€Å"to do what

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Information Technology Essay Samples - Several Ways to Complete the Project

Information Technology Essay Samples - Several Ways to Complete the ProjectThere are many excellent sources available for these sorts of essays. Many colleges also offer special courses in the area of information technology. There are several reasons for which essay topics should be researched. A wide range of topics will need to be looked at, depending on the type of application that you wish to pursue.One of the best sources is the course modules and papers that are required for your thesis projects. Students are very keen to achieve success and often make use of these items for college assignments. These can be used to help in writing a very good information technology essay samples. Such ideas and queries that need to be answered will make sure that your essay samples match up well with the other students in the class.Now there are so many different essay samples that students can look through for this project. You have the choice of writing an essay that is specific to the subje ct matter or can actually cover a larger topic. Either way you can select many different topics for your essay.If you want a general nature of your essay samples to fit into the overall learning process then they should focus on all the requirements of the university as well as the general student population. This should be the ultimate idea when writing the project. There is no set method of information technology essay samples that every student will want to follow.What is more important is that your project is written very effectively and expertly. It must be able to catch the attention of the reader and impress them. There are many people who make use of examples to help them gain some knowledge about the subject matter.There are a number of good examples that are available for this kind of essay. It is likely that the student in question has already read some basic ideas on the subject matter and has some idea about what kind of an essay is expected. Once you have determined th e subject matter that you will write on, it will be easier to begin with a good example. However it is also vital that you ensure that you include an answer to each question that is raised.The essence of the information technology essay samples is to make sure that the essay is of a very high standard. The students who are responsible for writing these forms are always in a position to know how to present their ideas effectively.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

‘The value of objective and subjective evidence in...

‘The value of objective and subjective evidence in understanding mental health conditions’ It is important to consider both subjective and objective evidences to gain a comprehensive picture of any mental health condition. I am going to demonstrate through examples how parallel considerations can be used by clinicians to gain a full understanding of mental health disorders. Subjective evidence is how the patient interprets the working of his own mind. It includes what he reports about his thoughts and feelings including any uncomfortable sensations or distressing thoughts. Objective evidence on the other hand is measurable. It comprises of any signs of the illness that can be observed by a third person and any abnormality that has a†¦show more content†¦He takes into consideration not only the patient’s mental state but also the patient’s general physical health, psychosocial or environmental problems, their ability to integrate into society and take care of themselves. Subjective evidence includes the thoughts and feelings of the patient. It comprises of the symptoms the patient is reporting and the level of distress he is experiencing. A patient suffering from depression for example might report symptoms of having dark thoughts, feeling blue, can complain of persistent low mood, outbursts of crying, decreased appetite and activity levels, lack of sleep. These are all examples of subjective evidence. Objective evidence about the condition includes any signs noticeable to the clinician that can be taken as an indication of mental disease. This can include slumped posture, poor hygiene, scruffy appearance, sadness, crying, sighing or pacing. Lack of appetite can be a symptom a depressed person is complaining about, while the amount of weight loss is measurable and objective. Aches, pains and flulike symptoms may not have any biological basis in the body but can be psychosomatic manifestations of the depression. Moreover depression usually accompanie s many severe, long-term conditions. During the psychological assessment the clinician gathers all information about a patient’s medical health and mental health history, collects information from immediate family members, looks

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Shakespeare s King Lear And Marlowe s Doctor Faustus

Shakespeare’s King Lear and Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus are two examples of early modern texts, one a tragedy and the other a morality play respectively, which deal with the theme of power at the crux of its narrative. Between both texts it is evident that different characters utilize their power or authority differently – some ‘unwisely’ whilst some ‘maliciously’. In either case, the use of power progresses the plays and drives the majority of main characters. To begin with, both plays incorporate the conventions of an Aristotelian tragedy. One of Aristotle’s primary conventions of a tragedy in his Poetics, is the notion of hamartia where: A man not outstanding in virtue or justice, brought down through vice or depravity, who falls into adversity not through vice or depravity but because he errs in some way (Aristotle 2013, p. 32) It can be argued that both Lear’s and Faustus’ hamartia are intertwined in one way or another with power. Lear’s ‘error of judgement’ is his hubris when he asks his daughters who ‘doth love us most’ so he can split up his kingdom so the ‘largest bounty may extend where nature doth with merit challenge’ (Shakespeare 2004, 1.1.50-52). Pride and vanity leads him to test his daughters and distributing his kingdom. This is ultimately the starting point leading to the tragic consequences at the end of the play. Similarly, Faustus shows excessive ambition in regards of knowledge and power – ‘O, what a world of profit and delight, of power, of honor, ofShow MoreRelatedThe Reign Of Queen Elizabeth I And The Elizabethan Era1787 Words   |  8 Pagesbeginning of the Elizabethan theatre which still to this day influences theatre and the way theatre is presented . The Elizabethan Era began in 1588 and ended in 1603 during Queen Elizabeth I reign England s capital and largest city, London grew to about two hundred thousand people. London s population was divided into three main sections a small but powerful population of wealthy nobles, a prospering middle class, and a large and impoverished lower class living in miserable conditions. In theRead Moreâ€Å"the Spirit of Renaissance and Elizabethan Era†5448 Words   |  22 Pagescentury to the early 17th century. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that many cultural historians believe originated in Tuscany in the 14th century. This era in English cultural history is sometimes referred to as the age of Shakespeare or the Elizabethan era, the first period in English and British history to be named after a reigning monarch. Renaissance literally means rebirth. It refers especially to the rebirth of learning that began in Italy in the fourteenth

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Degrading music videos and lyrics Essay Example For Students

Degrading music videos and lyrics Essay The two tables show the raw data collected from the content analysis. There were women in skimpy clothes in 65% of the 20 videos. In 20% of the videos there were women undressing. In 45% of the videos there was a female artist yearning for a male. There were women touching themselves in 50% of the videos. In 5% of the videos there were women touching other women. In 15% of the videos there was a female artist either crying or depressed. In 30% of the videos there was kissing between anyone. In 50% of the videos there were women dancing seductively alone. In 5% of the videos there were women dancing seductively with other women. There were women grinding on men in 25% of the videos. In 35% of the videos the camera focused in on breasts. Also in 35% of the videos the camera focused in on buttocks. In 25% of the videos there was a woman who either licked her licks or licked an object seductively. A woman pursed her lips together or blew a kiss in 35% of the videos. In 0% of the videos was there any type of liquid poured on a woman. The â€Å"Heart Attack† video is by a single female artist, Demi Lovato. The entire video only features her and a backup band of males. Not once in the video is she shown in provocative clothing. The lyrics are about her falling for a guy and because of that she becomes defensive. It talked about her being able to easily interact with men when they do not mean anything to her but the male the song is directed to is different. Although the lyrics suggest she is at the will of a guy, the video is feminist in the sense that it does not degrade women in anyway. She is fully dressed throughout the video and not once does she do any provocative moves. The second video with no observations in it is titled thatPOWER† by ft. Justin Bieber. This video surprisingly has no women featured in it. The backup dancers are all men. The video is futuristic in its nature. The lyrics are about the artist being â€Å"cool.† The video features, Justin Bieber, and backup dancers.  The results found that in 18 of the videos, there was at least one thing done by women that sexually exploited them. There is something very wrong with today’s music videos. The majority of videos use women as sexual props. Some use women as just objects to be looked at and touched. Others show women alone and in need of a man, as if to say women need men in their lives to be complete. Some videos are too sexually explicit to be aired on television. There are even videos and lyrics that suggest violence against women. These videos give young men (the most impressible) very wrong ideas. These videos give men an unrealistic standard for women’s bodies. Almost 41 million women in the United States over 20 are obese (Prevalence of obesity, 2012). The majority of women are not â€Å"perfect† looking. Women come in all shapes and sizes and should not be pressured to change their body. Not only does it put these unrealistic expectations in males’ heads, but it also gives the impression that women are only used for their bodies. The women shown in music videos are silent and only shine light on their bodies, not their minds. Women live in a world today where almost every aspect of society focuses on how they look. Music videos only reinforce this. .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 , .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .postImageUrl , .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 , .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:hover , .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:visited , .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:active { border:0!important; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:active , .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59 .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6f1fee55d10f526f486e7c64ca63cb59:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay About Rap MusicThere are some videos that are unique by going against the norm of having women be sexually exploited in music videos. Like the two in the study, there are some videos that have no women dancing around or half naked. There are some songs that are feminist and some artist as well. The few videos that are out there like this give hope for the music industry. It women use their voices, there could be changes made. Women need to realize what is going on and realize how women are being used in music videos. This content analysis could use improvements. The most important would be the details. Content analyses need to be very specific in what they are looking for, and very detailed in the observations. This content analysis could be good solid ground for another study to grow out of it. With a few changes, this content analysis could be replicated and be very successful. To improve the results a specific genre of music videos, such as rap, could have been used. A different popular music site could have also been used. With a few tweaks here in there in this content analysis it could be very successful. Bibliography Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. (2012). Prevalence of obesity in the united states, 2009–2010 (No. 82). Retrieved from DHHS Publication website: Hay, C. (2001). Would The Least Cliched Music Video Please Stand Up?. Billboard, 113(5), 90. Kistler, M. E., Lee, M. J. (2010). Does Exposure to Sexual Hip-Hop Music Videos Influence the Sexual Attitudes of College Students?. Mass Communication Society, 13(1), 67-86.